false julii cory vs julii cory

They are not aggressive and are good with other small peaceful fish. I just love corries! The Julii Cory is a very active catfish but it doesn't get very big. It is a peaceful bottom dwelling scavenger often mistaken for Corydoras julii. Once they are settled in happilly, I'd like to add more fish. Expert facts, care advice, feeding tips and breeding information about the False Julii Cory (Corydoras trilineatus) for freshwater aquarium enthusiasts. Ranked #2958 out of 7463 freshwater fish pictures worldwide. The Spotfin Cory is heavily spotted all over but it lacks distinctive horizontal lines as seen on the others. I can say that the picture of the False julii does look like mine that I purchased as false julii's. Inspired by its looks it is also called the Leopard Catfish or Leopard Corydoras. Hopefully I will have 4 more Julii's by this weekend. They have sharp spines in the dorsal, pectoral and adipose fins that contain a mild poison used to ward off fish that may harm them. (5.2 cm) in length. The true Corydoras julii is a lot rarer in the aquarium hobby, but we still love this beautiful lookalike. Breeding takes place in swamps, ponds, or streams. The eggs should hatch in 3-4 days after spawning. When she has run out of sperm, the female may then rest for a brief period of time and then resume, as the males are quite adamant about breeding. And they ARE adorable! Order: Siluriformes Family: Callichthyidae Julii Cories are generally a good community fish. Take great care and make sure to properly clean or quarantine anything that you add to an established tank so as not to add new diseases to the tank. each one. Because these fish have sensitive barbels it is preferable to use sand or fine gravel to keep their barbels in good condition. For information about fish diseases and illnesses, see Aquarium Fish Diseases and Treatments. It is recommended that you provide these fish with sinking pellets along with live and frozen fish food. On the other hand, it is quite shy: it will be stressed and frightened by the presence of fish that are too big, lively or aggressive. Betta Fish Care Infographic, a handy cheat sheet that will benefit any keepers of Siamese Fighting Fish. I added the julii cory cats 2 days ago, most of the time they are chilling on the bottom and looking for food. The Corydoras julii, also known as the julii cory, is one of the most sought-after species of corydoras catfish in the hobby – but tend to be relatively rare in stores. Bare in mind, my tank is a bit warm at 78F. Julii Cory Catfish. Rating: 4.58 Votes: 33. Also allows one to share questions or experiences in the forum. I know that whenever posts get made like this they're never Julii, but I'm a bit new to this and only have a couple right now so want to do all I can to make sure I get the right kind for them to school with. Bandit Cory Cat (Corydoras Metae) ... Corydoras Julii - Julii Cory Cat. How Can you tell the sex of a Julii cory catfish? Please help! In fact, the species is sometimes called, false julii cory, as well as leopard cory, leopard catfish, three lined catfish/cory, three strike cory or trilineatus cory. Scientific name: Corydoras trilineatus. Maintain nitrate levels below 20 ppm through regular water changes. Common name: Julii cory. Like all catfish, they also have pairs of barbels around the mouth and strong, rigid spines on their dorsal and pectoral fins. The male is smaller and slenderer than the female. There is also a black blotch at the top of its dorsal fin and six spotted bands on its tail. As they are shoaling fish, they should always be kept in groups. Because they are a scaleless fish, catfish can be treated with pimafix or melafix but should not be treated with potassium permanganate or copper based medications. The Julii Cory Catfish are a popular variety of Corys because of their eye catching black and white patterns. This species can be identified by a more defined, linear pattern of black dots upon its head and vertical banding upon its silver body. It is a peaceful bottom dwelling scavenger often mistaken for Corydoras julii . T°: 22 to 28°C or 72 to 82°F pH: 5 to 7 Hardness: 1 to 15°dGH. These include the Three Stripe Corydoras Corydoras trilineatus (which is also called the False Julii), the Leopard Cory Corydoras leopardus, and occasionally the Spotfin Corydoras Corydoras punctatus. The closer to their natural habitat the less stress the fish will have, making them healthier and happy. Family: Callichthyidae. The Julii Cory is an active little fish that does best in a group of 4 or more. Diet: Omnivorous, eats live, flake, wafer, and frozen foods easily (even at the surface). Group. 100 L / 22 imp gal / 26 US gal. When she is ready to spawn, she turns to the male next to her, and adamantly pounds his ventral fin, causing the male to release sperm. Like all the Cory catfish they are quite hardy, which makes them a great selection first time fish keepers. : Identification: Often you will see fish for sale as Corydoras julii but they are actually Corydoras trilineatus.So, if you bought as fish as julii, it's almost certainly C. trilineatus from the upper Amazon. Hi everyone, I have a big prodcution of Arapaima gigas, 2680 units, around 13-15cm. Behavior: Peaceful, shoaling fish, needs conspecifics, more than 6 recommended. Considering I found them in PetSmart, I thought it would be even more unlikely that they were true Julii's. This is complicated by the fact that from time to time Corydoras trilineatus, that look very similar to C. julii, do turn up. Knowing how often they mislabel their fish, are these Julii or False Julii corys? I think these are julii, from what I remember, the false julii has a pattern that is more "maze like ". As they are shoaling fish, they should always be kept in groups. False julii cories (corydoras trilineatus) eating - YouTube Freshwater fish compatibility chart and characteristics of different types of fish. * For the safety of our animals, we now ship live fish exclusively via UPS Next Day Air. Have i cory julii or cory trilineatus please... Truck UKAPS. I just love them. Dimorphism. They … They are found in Peru in the Rio Ampiyacu, Rio Ucayali and the Yarina Cocha. This fish belongs to the catfish family Callichthyidae, and like all catfish they are scaleless. Albino stingrays and Black Diamond X Super White cross rays. The Julii Cory is sometimes confused with a couple of its close relatives that are very similar in appearance. Another Cory that is similar is Corydoras leopardus but in this species the longer head is a give-away. A school of these very active little fish will make the bottom of your tank come to life. Juli's Cory Catfish (Corydoras julii), also known as the Leopard Cory Catfish, is a popular but often misidentified species that is native to Brazil. Rating: 4.8/5 (6 votes cast) The False Julii Cory Cat is an awesome addition to your fish tank! Additionally, they will not thrive with aggressive fish. , You know what that means. Piranhas, one of the most efficient predators with razor sharp teeth and a ferocious nature. 14. Apart from these obvious differences, julii is a finer spotted species and not as robust as C.trilineatus.Keeping the "three-lined corydoras" is not that difficult and with most Corydoras species will do best kept in a group of six or more as above all they are social animals. In their natural habitat schools of Julii Cories live in flooded forest regions as well as smaller-sized streams and small tributaries. And even when stores claim to have these fish, they are usually other species of corydoras catfish that have been misidentified (like the leopard cory or the three-stripe cory I can send to any country, all legal documents paper ready to run. When breeding in the aquarium, a ratio of two or more males per female is best. The False Julii Cory Catfish lives best in a tank that is 70 to 80 F and has a water pH of 6 to 8. Bobby Sydnor The true C. julii is rarely imported and for the most part C. trilineatus is more commonly sold. The Julii Cory Catfish are a popular variety of Corys because of their eye catching black and white patterns. Usual size in fish tanks: 5 - 6 cm (1.97 - 2.36 inch) 0 14. 1 year ago. As I did that I found the missing fish. This species can be identified by a more defined, linear pattern of black dots upon its head and vertical banding upon its silver body. Cory catfish spend most of their time on the bottom so the vacuum siphon is important. A filtration system is needed that maintains clean water and ensures the entire tank is highly oxygenated. I have seen and even purchased these fish under various labels – Trilineatus, Julii, False-Julii, Leopard, False Leopard… Not a good state of affairs for beginners as the Julii in particular has different needs and does better in a more ‘hot water’ aquarium where as Trilineatus will do well at 22-24c which is slightly below the average 24c community setup. Aquarium Diet: False juli cories are scavengers and will accept fish flake, live or frozen blood worm and brine shrimp, and algae wafers. The Julii Cory or Leopard Catfish is readily available and ranges from very inexpensive to moderately in price. The betta likes to share their algae wafers with them, but if he gets in their way, they just nudge him over. Tank-bred specimens are rare in the aquarium hobby, but are in high demand due to their spotted markings and peaceful nature. Joined Dec 21, 2006 Messages 12,999 Reaction score 0 Location Derbyshire, United Kingdom. They will generally eat all kinds of live, fresh, and flake foods. By Kai Schreiber [CC BY-SA 2.0] Category: Catfish. The Julii Cory is not a difficult fish to care for and makes an excellent addition to any peaceful community aquarium. The barbels are also prone to infection from a poorly kept substrate. The substrate is actually Quikrete play sand that you should be able to find at a hardware store. My false julii cory cats are desperately trying to breed. Recommended water hardness (dGH): 4 - 18°N (71.43 - 321.43ppm) Normally, this number is around 4 at a time. Larger gravel with sharp edges may actually cut the barbels down until they are completely gone. Sometimes they will have spots, but will be slightly larger spots and more spaced out. She will go back to the male and repeat the process until the spawn is complete. I really want to get one, but I really dont know too much info on them. julii: named in honour of a person whose identity remains a mystery. Corydoras are known as armored catfish because they have two rows of bony plates, called scutes, along the length of the body. Classification. Its the spots on the head of the Julii and Leopard Cories that distinguish them from the Three Stripe, who usually has a reticulated pattern (squiggly lines) on its head rather than spots. And even when stores claim to have these fish, they are usually other species of corydoras catfish that have been misidentified (like the leopard cory or the three-stripe cory). The False Corys are hardier than the true corys catfish, which is why they are so popularly sold in pet stores and why many pet stores mistake them for the real ones. Hello! The Leopard Cory, Corydoras julii, is often confused with the Three-lined Cory, Corydoras trilineatus.The two are very similar with one subtle difference. Three Stripe Corys are also very similar to other much more expensive species such as Julii Cory… I am from Perú, If there is someone interested on buy them, please send me a email to: robindehs@ aol.com We can reach a good low price. Leopard Corydoras are omnivores that feed on worms, crustaceans, insects, and plant matter in the wild. In the aquarium. Origin: Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Suriname Biotope: Amazonian. False Julii Cory Cat. These fish do a great job keeping the bottom cleaned of food and debris, making them little living vacuums. Despite being quite active, these are very peaceful fish that enjoy the company of their own kind as well as other fish. This tank picture looks better than 60.36% of tank pictures in this category. It's been up and running for almost 2 months now. Family: Callichthyidae. C. julii has spots on the head while C. trilineatus has a reticulated pattern. Setting up a Saltwater Aquarium. Sexing is difficult, and breeding is best accomplished by natural pairing. Description. I. Inchworm Li'l Ole Fish Lady. Not only other fish but plants, substrate, and decorations can harbor bacteria. They are quite durable and great for beginners. Water paramters are ... Julii corys dying fast after long success. The Julii Corydoras is a very popular aquarium fish among the pet fish keepers due to its brilliant body coloration and appearance. Anyway, it’s a name. After bumping the male on the vent, the female will receive the sperm from the male into her mouth. Origin and Distribution . Also offer occasional algae wafers. Regular water changes with siphoning of the gravel is crucial to remove their waste and keep the tank clean. Julii or False Julii breeding false julii cory cats. Males are usually smaller and thinner. It is half as big as the others. The Julii's are doing tremendously well in the 20 gallon with a school of harlequin rasboras and one of my bettas. An undergravel filter that is regularly vacuumed works well for this fish to keep the substrate clean and the entire tank oxygenated. The Corydoras julii, also known as the julii cory, is one of the most sought-after species of corydoras catfish in the hobby – but tend to be relatively rare in stores. The Corydoras julii will be able to easily coexist with many species that it never disturbs. Obviously, the two Corys need shoal mates as well as other types of fish. I have 10 gallon tank, how many could I put in there. Water movement at the surface is desirable for keeping the oxygen level high. The Julii Cory is a smaller member of the Corydoras family, only growing to about 2 inches. They grow to be about 2 Inches long and do well in smaller community tanks. Would they be ok with my guppies, my mollies, and my aquatic frog. The body is a cream white or gray color with small, black spots all over and a stripe running horizontally from the back of their gills to the base of the tail. Awww they are so cute! They … It is a peaceful bottom dwelling scavenger often mistaken for Corydoras julii. Now you're making me want some...but I have no room! The overall appearance has an armored look which gives them the common name "Armored Catfish." The Julii Corydoras (Corydoras julii) also goes by the common name of Julii Cory and sometimes the Leopard Cory. Their adorable appearance and lively character, along with a sweet disposition make them a favorite among aquarists. Also, even though they can withstand a variety of water conditions this fish is not very tolerant of warm temperatures over 85 ° F. Be careful when netting them because when they feel threatened they extend their sharp spined fins outward and lock them in a rigid position. The female will clean a spot on the aquarium glass, or perhaps an object in the aquarium to lay her eggs on. Sep 5, 2009 #2 id think trillineatus . People often confuse the three-lined cory for the Julii cory. They are peaceful and gregarious, so should be kept in a school of 4 or more individuals. Although the spines are small, just like this catfish, they are quite sharp and can pierce your skin. The aquarium should be decorated, and arranged with their natural habitat in mind. These fish do a great job keeping the bottom cleaned of food and debris. And what type? They should to be kept in schools of at least 4-6 individuals. They are gregarious and enjoy the company of there own kind. They are so hard to tell the difference without comparison. The Corydorus have a very interesting breeding routine. Anything you add to your tank can bring disease with it. Joined Aug 31, 2003 Messages 19,715 Reaction score 5 … They will not fare well with aggressive fish. The cory in the picture is a false julii, so you may have had a real julii. They swim in schools and can be kept with almost every other community type fish. With geometric connected lines and squiggles. As with all of the cory catfish, their breeding rituals is an interesting display of parental investment, although these fish do not rear their young. As bottom dwellers, they enjoy sifting through gravel and other substrate in search of food, which helps to keep the aquarium free of detritus. The Julii Cory Corydoras julii is a beautiful fish with an interesting color pattern. False Julii has markings like in this picture. We’re updating this profile so check back again but in the meantime, if you have any questions, please... Nanus Cory Cat Rating: 3.3/5 (3 votes cast) The Nanus Cory Cat is … I have a 20gUS tank with 3 X Julii Corys, 6 X Bentos Tetra, 2 X African Dwarf Frogs & a male betta. Recommended pH range for the species: 6 - 8. Julii Cories are very hardy and disease is not usually a problem in a well maintained aquarium. They grow to about 2-3 inches [citation needed]. They also help keep the bottom of the aquarium clean by eating up leftover foods. A stressed fish will is more likely to acquire disease. Scientific name: Corydoras julii. Panda Cory (Corydoras panda) There is a black blotch at the top of its dorsal fin and six spotted bands on the tail. She then discharges a few eggs which she catches and clasps with her ventral fins. Sorry about the pics, bad camera, and I should have cleaned the glass,,,Plus its hell getting them all in the same place at the same time,,LOL.. That first one looks like one of my bronze corys. I'm really glad I decided to get them instead of more bronze and peppered corys. The page also links to articles about other Corydoras and offers friendly forums. Cories have also been known to produce sounds of warning when distressed and when courting. Although there are over 180 species of Corydoras, only about 50 are available to the hobby and about 10 are bred commercially. Julii corys are small peaceful fish. With its pleasing pattern of mottled black dots and stripes upon a silver body, the False Julii Cory Cat is a visually striking and entertaining addition to the freshwater aquarium. Using a vacuum hose to siphon the substrate is a good way to keep the gravel free of decomposing animal and plant matter. thanks Species Overview Common Names: False julii cory, leopard catfish, leopard cory, three-line catfish, three-lined cory, three-stripe cory, trilineatus cory The region the julii comes from is not heavily fished commercially, so most shops do not carry true julii corys. Great for comm… $27.99. Julii Cory Julii catfish Leopard catfish Leopard corydoras Leopard Cory/p> Origin. It finished cycling about a week ago, and all my water levels are fine, just checked with my API master kit. Arowana fish and Lionfish for sale I breed all species of Arowana species for sale worldwide. Recommended water hardness (dGH): 4 - 18°N (71.43 - 321.43ppm) 0°C 32°F 30°C 86°F. They are also known as Leopard Catfish. Although it is quite common to see Corydoras trilineatus incorrectly labeled as Corydoras julii, the true julii cory will only occasionally be seen for sale in fish shops through hobby breeding. I think they are some of the most beautiful fish I have. Corydoras julii STEINDACHNER, 1906 Julii Cory Etymology. The False Julii Cory Cat exudes personality that adds interest to the lower regions of your aquarium. Piranha Fish Species, description, information, habitat, and more! Common name: False julii cory. The Julii Cory Corydoras julii was described by Steindachner in 1906. What to feed tropical fish fry, livebearers and egglayers, Glossary of aquatic science terms used in ichthyology and aquarium circles for freshwater and marine animals, corals and plants. This is my first aquarium, so I still have much to learn. Guide to marine supplies, putting the aquarium together, cycling the aquarium water and adding fish! They are rarely available commercially; fish labelled as "julii corys" are often misidentified C. leopardus, or three-stripe ("false julii") cory catfish (C. trilineatus)). Common Names: False Julii. Diagnose illness, chart symptoms, suggested medications, How to set up an aquarium for the best results. It has creamy white body covered with small black spots and bold central horizontal stripes. Updated August 6, 2019 Author: Mike - FishLore Admin Social Media: The Julii Corydoras (Corydoras julii) also goes by the common name of Julii Cory and sometimes the Leopard Cory. Because of this, they are perfect for keeping the substrate clean in a smaller freshwater community aquarium. A page that offers information regarding keeping Julii cory's, their diet and breeding process. The Julii Cory is sometimes confused with a couple of its close relatives that are very similar in appearance. A Julii just has dots all over, they are not connected. Julii corys keep dying! But with a close inspection they are each readily distinguished. The Julii corydoras is also commonly known as the leopard cory due to its adorable spots. In case you don’t find a real julii cory in your local fish store (which are also more expensive), consider adding multiple three stripe corys in your aquarium for a reasonable price. Member of the tank p... Cory folks help please: peaceful, shoaling fish, also... Petsmart, they just nudge him over u think that u could send a... Exclusively via UPS next Day Air nudge him over is another small adorable that... Rating: 4.8/5 ( 6 votes cast ) the False Julii Cory Cat comes from the.... The oxygen level high live in flooded forest regions as well which is why it ’ also! Patterned body good way to proactively prevent disease is not heavily fished commercially, so they will not with. If this is a lot rarer in the wild 0°C 32°F 30°C 86°F three!. They should always be kept in a well balanced diet true Corydoras Julii is a Julii.... 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